Meet Our Horses and Goats

The horses listed below are located at Happy Hooves Horse Farm in Bainbridge Island, in Kitsap County. We appreciate you wanting to help a horse in need. If you see a horse you would like to meet, please contact us to schedule an appointment.

The Minis


was the first rescue mini-horse at Happy Hooves. She arrived with behavioral issues which were challenging in the beginning, however, Melody soon led the way to helping the sanctuary better understand the needs of rescue horses. Melody is now able to lead a driven cart! and has become a leader in the herd.

Melody won 6th place in driving competition


 arrived at the Sanctuary with a variety of health-related problems, the result of which made him uncomfortable and irritable with his human handlers. His medical issues were soon addressed bringing him great relief. In addition, the Sanctuary’s lead volunteer at the time, Aubine, took Shorty on as her special project horse and he has made amazing transformations under her guidance. Shorty has been a reliable cart puller for several years of summer camp. Unfortunately, his eyesight has deteriorated greatly, so it is unknown how much longer he’ll be able to pull a cart. It has, however, been reported that Shorty gives the BEST kisses!


Geoffrey is the comedian of all the minis at Happy Hooves. He is outgoing, friendly, and strong which leads him to be a bit more mischievous with his equine friends.


 is the youngest and smallest of the herd. At only 8 months old, she had changed owners six different times before arriving at Happy Hooves, which is why the Sanctuary will be her forever home. She also arrived with a variety of health-related issues causing her to need intensive care while living inside the sanctuary’s owner’s house. Thankfully, with lots of TLC, she quickly rebounded. While Bella is absolutely adorable, she is often referred to as the “spicy” one in the herd.   Never turn your back on her or she may get you!  


 came to us when he was four years old when his owner could no longer care for him and his many health issues. While he is the sweetest of our herd family, he also needs the most training given some of the fears established early on in his young life. We are currently working through his fear of water, which even includes the rubber mat he has to step on. He is a work in progress, but we see improvement every day!


A former circus performer, Icey came to the sanctuary already somewhat Bainbridge Island famous. Her previous owner was often seen walking her around Winslow and Ace Hardware. As her original owner became unable to care for her any longer, she entrusted Happy Hooves with her continued care. Icey is tiny and talented with a whole variety of tricks up her sleeve such as smiling, curtsying and runway walking!


 came together with Toby from a home where their owner was ill and physically unable to care for them any longer. It was our initial understanding that Candy was about 25 years old when we took her in in 2020, however, our vet felt she was probably 
closer to 28 years old. We’ve also since determined that she may be deaf or close to it. Either that or she has a case of selective hearing, seeming to respond immediately when food is mentioned! We take her for walks every day and she has become a very loved member of our herd family at the sanctuary.


Dobi is a large pony whom the vet believed to be around four years old when we got him in 2021. When we came across him, he had just been rescued from a kill-pen and was very thin and shut down. We don’t have much history about Dobi, but we just couldn’t walk away from him. He is our project horse and has shown an amazing temperament. He is currently in training at a barn in Poulsbo where he is used for lessons by intermediate riders. It is amazing how far this boy has come, and we can’t believe someone wanted to toss him out! He is safe now!

The Goats

Skip and Jercy 
are our two rescue goats and are an important part of our herd. They were both found abandoned in a field of snow one cold winter day by a young family who, unable to take them in themselves, brought them to our sanctuary. We like to think of Skip and Jersey as our Herd Ambassadors because they have welcomed each new herd member when they first arrived, helping them to blend and immerse seamlessly into the sanctuary life with their new friends. They are also very welcoming of the human herd as well and are always excited to meet new people.

Our Lesson Horses

Happy Hooves relies greatly on income from our riding lesson program. Many of these bigger horses are at the sanctuary to help with this program. We are particularly grateful for the family who generously donated Thistle.






In Memoriam


 was the first member of our herd that we have lost. He was a former barrel racer, and at nine hands tall was just big enough for our smallest riders to ride. Happy Hooves was his retirement home. He knew when someone needed him and often served as a source of comfort for the humans around him. He had a sweet and gentle nature and is greatly missed.